2022 Has certainly been an eventful year.
On a personal note I've got a new job and had a big wedding reception with custom made decorations. Although these events have delayed development, I couldn't be happier.
Now on to the development of the game. Earlier this year it was announced that my local gaming association (Plymouth Association of Wargamers) was going to restart the yearly convention now that the threat of Covid has begun to calm down. I was quick to jump in with booking a slot to have a participation table and demo table to show the capabilities that Brethren has to offer.
It's been a slow year for updates and social media posts but that's because I've been hard at work in the background ironing out the kinks in the game and expanding on some already set up mechanics to help bring the game to a not only playable state, but a memorable state!
I've got to the point that I'm happy with all of the mechanics and how they play that I am now able to compile the rules and add finishing touches to help build a full and complete book that people would be happy to buy and spread the word on the game.
I've reworked a few elements including the unit profile. There was something off about the old profile that felt clunky and took a long time to make changes to them if necessary. I've now got a profile that I'm more happy with. Its simpler and the information is a lot clearer.
Old Unit Card
New Unit Card
As you can see, I've added a few bits. These are:
Unit Types: This is because different types of units can do different things. Including different Heroes with special abilities.
Weapon Types: This is because when building your force and assigning weapons to units, you can only use some weapons with other types of equipment.
Horse Stat Line: This is because before you had to check the horse rules to check what modifiers it added to the unit's statistics. I added the Horse specific line so that you can look at a glance and don't have to search the rulebook for a specific rule... As the rulebook is looking to be quite big! (At least 100 pages!!)
Along with that, an element that the game has been sorely missing is a logo. I'm not a graphic designer so my abilities can only take me so far. However I feel it says what I need it to at the moment and clearly shows what I need it to.
Now that we've covered 2022. It's time to talk about 2023. I have a number of things to go through and a few things to finalise but following are a few things to look out for this coming year:
PAW Wargames show - February
*Potentially* Return to Legionary Wargames show in early summer
An updated Free version of the rules
Some battle reports and instructional videos from the guys over at Tabletop Collective
More social media posts showing what to expect from the game
The full release of the book by September 2023 *HOPEFULLY*
Things to expect from the Free Quick Start Guide:
Core rules
Some simple terrain rules
A Mission
An army builder similar to the one it already has
Things to expect from the Main Rule Book:
Expanded Core Rules
Expanded Terrain rules
6 Different Missions
Rules for siege missions
A Campaign System
Unique Hero Specialisations and abilities
Army Lists for 18 Factions and their special rules
A big thank you to everyone who has been supporting the game so far! I'm sure 2023 is going to be a massive year for Brethren!!!